Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file
Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file

If you insert Characters (Media button) they will appear in this folder as well. When importing such a file an individual folder will be created (under the root, not under Images), with the same name as the PS-file, and having all the layers converted to PNG images.

  • Images: has all used bitmap images of any format exception are the images created from layers in an imported Photoshop file.
  • That folder will store the images created with MathMagic.
  • Equations: only for the versions that have MathMagic included (if you see it still in CP2017, which has no longer MathMagic, this is a bug).

    Backgrounds: backgrounds used in project, master slides or created when recording a software simulation.It is recommended whenever possible to import a wav file, when published it will be compressed to mp3 by Captivate. If you import a (compressed)mp3 file it will automatically be converted to a 'raw' wav-file which will also be in this folder. Audio: will have all audio clips, whether imported or recorded in Captivate whenever you edit an existing clip, the original and edit clip will be in this folder.

    adobe captivate could not open .cptx file

    Even when you delete the items from slides (stage), they will remain in the Library and can be reused. In that Library several assets will be stored automatically in different folders when you insert them in a project (on the stage) or import them directly to the Library.

    adobe captivate could not open .cptx file adobe captivate could not open .cptx file

    Each project has its Library, I use the term 'internal' for the Library which is created with each project.

    Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file